Wednesday 31 July 2019

Enviro Center trip

🗾Environment Center 🗾

🚯On Tuesday we walked to the Environment Center.🚯
We learned about composting creating worm farms and how plastic is made.
We also learnt about what food worms like and don´t like.Worms don´t like strong foods like citrus fruit,onions and chilli, they also hate tea bags because they have plastic in them.

Thursday 4 July 2019

Carmen Sandiego

Today we went on google earth and played where on google earth is Carmen Sandiego.
It was hard at the start but it got easier as it went by.

Wednesday 3 July 2019


`This is my animation

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Magic squares

I have been learning to do magic squares. I have solved 1 of them.😃
I found it a bit tricky to solve🔝I have done them in decimals and a whole numbers.😄
The numbers on the outside are always 3x the number in the middle